Associate Professor of Art History - Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York
SSD: L-ART/02 Storia dell’arte moderna (attribuito)
Pagine esterne:

Storia e critica della villa rinascimentale; letteratura sulla villa; storia della progettazione integrata di cicli decorativi, architetture e paesaggio; il giardino del Rinascimento e la sua ricezione e fruizione nel XX secolo. Nello specifico: Villa Madama come un insieme di architettura, cicli decorativi, paesaggio urbano e giochi d’acqua; i restauri di Villa Madama nel XX secolo; la relazione tra Villa Madama e il Foro Mussolini. Inoltre: rapporti tra arte, scienza e filosofia naturale; lo stucco all’antica nell’architettura e nei cicli decorativi della prima età moderna in Europa.
- 2018: Guest Faculty, Wesleyan University, CT, USA, Department of Art History.
- 2017: Visiting Faculty, Università degli Studi di Urbino “Carlo Bo”, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici.
- 2014-2015: American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) Fellowship.
- 2014: Postdoctoral Research Fellowship/Visiting Scholar, Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Berlin; Research Group for Art and Knowledge in Pre-Modern Europe.
- 2012: Guest Faculty, History of Decorative Arts and Design Master’s Program, Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum and Parsons The New School, New York.
- 2011: Visiting Faculty, Università di Bologna, Dipartimento di Architettura e Pianificazione Territoriale, Facoltà di Ingegneria.
- 2008-2009: J. Paul Getty Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in the History of Art & Humanities.
- 2002-2004: Andrew W. Mellon Curatorial Fellowship, The Frick Collection, New York.
- 2001-2002: Chester Dale Fellowship, CASVA (Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts), National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC.
- 2015: Society of Architectural Historians/Mellon Author’s Award for Architectural Invention in Renaissance Rome. Artists and Humanists at Raphael’s Villa Madama.
- 2004: Society of Architectural Historians, Founders’ Award, 2004 (for the best article on the history of architecture by an emerging scholar in the Society’s Journal in the previous two years for “Seats of power” article).
- 2005-2009: Founding President, Society of Architectural Historians, New York Metropolitan Chapter.
Principali pubblicazioni recenti
- Y. ELET, Architectural Invention in Renaissance Rome: Artists, Humanists, and the Planning of Raphael’s Villa Madama, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2017 [ISBN 9781316418161].
- D. HEMSOLL, in «The Burlington Magazine», 1390, 2019, pp. 87-88.
Y. ELET, Hortatory ekphrasis: the agency of literature in Raphael’s architectural design, «Kritikè. Rivista di letteratura artistica e metodologia», 1, 2019 [forthcoming].
Y. ELET, V. DUNCAN, Beatrix Farrand and Campus Landscape at Vassar: Pedagogy and Practice, 1925-29, «Studies in the History of Gardens and Designed Landscapes», 39, 2019, pp. 105-136 [ISSN 1460-1176].
Y. ELET, Raphael and the roads to Rome: designing for diplomatic encounters at Villa Madama, «I Tatti Studies», 19, 2016, pp. 143-175 [ISSN 0393-5949].
Y. ELET, Seats of power: the outdoor benches of early modern Florence, «Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians», 61, 2002, pp. 444-469 [ISSN 0037-9808].
Y. ELET, Stucco as Substrate and Surface in Quattrocento Florence, in The Reinvention of Sculpture in Fifteenth-Century Italy, edited by A. Bloch and D. Zolli, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2019 [forthcoming].
Y. ELET, Writing the Renaissance Villa, in Writingplace: investigations in architecture and literature, proceedings (Delft, 2013), edited by K. Havik et al., S. Oliveira, M. Proosten, Rotterdam, Nai010, 2016, pp. 74-86 [ISBN 978-94-6208-281-6].